Fight crime on social media

The Randfontein CPF is using all available resources to combat crime.

The Randfontein CPF urges residents of the town to join them on their different social media platforms to help curb crime and report any suspicious incidents in their neighbourhoods.

According to the Public Relations Officer of the CPF executive committee Warren Anderson , this will also improve police reaction time to criminal incidents and hopefully save lives.

“We have come to witness the power of social media and what it can do to help stop criminals in their tracks.

“We have seen in the news that a message that goes viral can really go a long way in assisting the police track down wanted suspects and arrest them.

“Be it a tip-off or a call for help using social media platforms, it is one of the quickest ways to get a matter attended to.

“For instance, a resident who is under attack and unable to call the police can always text us or post on facebook, twitter, BBM or WhatsApp about their need for help and we will come to the scene together with the police.

He adds that since the inception of the CPF’s social media platforms, the CPF has had amazing results in terms of attendance of their meetings and events as well as a huge increase in the number of volunteers who are now joining the CPF in order to help eradicate the criminal element in their communities.

Anyone who wishes to interact with the CPF can like their facebook page, which is CPF Randfontein, or connect with them via their BlackBerry Messenger service (BBM) on pin number 2728F4D6.

Residents also can send their name, surname and area to 082 8542 731 and the relevant personnel for their sector will invite them on WhatsApp.

You can also follow them on twitter on handle @cpfrandfontein.

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