
Bekkersdal crime stats worrying

Bekkersdal police station releases shocking crime figures.

Crime statistics for the area’s newest police station in Bekkersdal paints a bleak picture of the realities that residents and police officers in the area have to face in terms of crime.

In its first year (April 2012 and March 2013) of reporting crime statistics, the station has recorded a total of 60 murders, 31 attempted murders and 13 cases of culpable homicide.

They also recorded 182 cases of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm and 299 cases of common assault.

The station dealt with a total of 99 sexual crimes, 68 cases of common robbery, 218 cases of robbery with aggravating circumstances and 129 cases of malicious damage to property.

House robbery and burglary in the area is also rife. Contrary to what many think, this is not a problem just in the suburbs as the statistics show that 45 cases of house robbery and 293 residential burglaries were reported.

Other property-related crimes were also high with 58 non-residential burglaries, 39 vehicle thefts, 74 thefts out of vehicles and 10 stock thefts reported.

There were also 28 business robberies, 30 car hijackings and 10 truck hijackings reported during the year.

Drug-related crimes were surprisingly low, with only 65 cases reported, while the illegal possession of firearms and ammunition totaled 26.

Other crimes include 211 cases of theft, seven cases of arson, 23 commercial crimes, 63 cases of driving under the influence, three cases of public violence, four cases of crimen injuria, and five cases of neglect and ill-treatment of children.

According to the statistics, 10 kidnapping cases were dealt with as well.

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