Domestic violence cases on an increase in Randfontein

People are misusing the system.


A total of 150 domestic violence cases have been reported at the Randfontein SAPS over the last year, however, authorities show concern at the fact that 149 of these cases were withdrawn.

According to Randfontein CPF interim chairperson Zaheer Gangat, it is disturbing that people want to open cases only to withdraw them a few days later; it defeats the purpose.

“It is good that people report cases of domestic violence but what is most disturbing is the fact that 149 of these cases were withdrawn.

“This is an indication that people continue to be tolerant towards such crimes and that is the mentality we need to do get rid of.

“Apart from this, these men will get the idea that it is okay to beat a woman,” says Gangat.

He says that this trend is unacceptable in society and people need to start seeing domestic violence as a serious crime and treat it as such.

“People need to realise that when cases are withdrawn, they are hampering on the police work and then turn around to say that the police are not doing their job.

“Our plea to the women in our communities is that if you lay a charge of domestic violence, you need to follow through with it.

“Let justice be done.

“It has never been right to beat a woman and it never will be right,” says Gangat.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, it is a waste of effort and resources if people lay charges to teach their partners a lesson. They should do it for the right reasons such as justice.

“Personally I feel that people are misusing the system. Officers spend hours working on a case only to have the complainant withdraw it for reasons unknown or they do not even show up on the court dates.

“We have come to realise that reasons for this is that some women are intimidated by their partners to withdraw the case, while others fear losing financial support from their spouses.

“These are some of the problems that we have to deal with,” says Ernst.

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