Municipality distances itself from infested water saga

A reliable source revealed that the machinery used to filter feces has not been operational for six months now.

Following damning articles about sewage being dumped into a local stream by the Randfontein Local Municipality, the municipality has distanced itself from the saga saying that they are sticking to their story that the water that travels from their sewage plant and into the Tweelopies Spruit is clean and not contaminated.

The stream in question is located on the outskirts of NorthWay extension.

According to municipal spokesperson Lucky Chiya, the water flowing from the sewage farm is thoroughly filtered despite the Herald‘s investigations showing otherwise.

Recently, the Herald was overwhelmed with information from concerned residents stating that the municipality is releasing water with feces into a local stream and that other residents without water supply consume the filthy water.

Shortly after this, the Herald received information from a local farmer Geraldine Gerber who was up in arms stating that her cattle have died after drinking the infested water.
Following this, Municipal Manager Mpho Mogale visited Gerber and said that the municipality would not take responsibility for her cattle dying until such a time that she can prove that they died due to drinking the water.

In the mean while, the municipality continues to say that everything is under control and machinery that is not functional at the sewage farm has gone in for repairs.

The Herald can state on record that upon its investigation, a reliable source revealed that the machinery used to filter feces has not been operational for six months now.

While these questions remain unanswered, Chiya is adamant that nothing is wrong with the water that flows into the stream.

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