
Village Street shop robbed

A shop in Village Street was robbed by six armed men on 5 June. The men apparently entered the shop at around 6pm and held the 39-year old shop owner at gunpoint. At some point during the robbery, the shop owner managed to slip away from the robbers and, while outside, managed to contact a …

A shop in Village Street was robbed by six armed men on 5 June.

The men apparently entered the shop at around 6pm and held the 39-year old shop owner at gunpoint.

At some point during the robbery, the shop owner managed to slip away from the robbers and, while outside, managed to contact a local security company.

The robbers apparently fled from the scene as soon as they realised that the owner was gone, taking with them cash and cellular phones belonging to the staff of the shop.

They left an idling vehicle behind at the scene of the crime.

The security company and the SAPS arrived shortly after the robbers fled.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson, Captain Appel Ernst, no injuries were sustained by the victims and no shots were fired at the scene.

The SAPS confiscated the abandoned vehicle and opened the necessary criminal case.

The investigating officer, Lt Col Gert Kruger can be contacted on 011 278 8100 with any information regarding this case.

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