Children at the Drop-In centre enjoy their reading

A few months ago Carryou Ministry’s American benefactor Sue Heywood, visited Carryou Ministry, one of her ports-of-call was the Elandsvlei Drop-In Centre. “I saw there was a desperate need for books in this community,” says Sue, “And promised I would try to do something about the situation when I returned to the US.” The kids …

A few months ago Carryou Ministry’s American benefactor Sue Heywood, visited Carryou Ministry, one of her ports-of-call was the Elandsvlei Drop-In Centre.

“I saw there was a desperate need for books in this community,” says Sue, “And promised I would try to do something about the situation when I returned to the US.”

The kids at the the Tuxedo Park School in New York and other people in her community, eagerly answered her call for help.

“The children raised $1000 dollars to be used to buy books,” says Sue.

Since then Carryou Ministry have been on a mission to find and buy books for the Drop-in Centre at Elandsvlei.

Around 240 new books suitable for readers from Grades One to Seven were found and purchased by Joy Hamann, who has a long association with Carryou Ministry.

These were evenly divided between Mablomong Farm School and the Carryou Ministry Drop-in Centre at Elandsvlei.

The Elandsvlei Drop-In Centre received their books recently. All the children and staff members at the centre were very excited about the donation.

“We are deeply moved and grateful that children so far away care enough to make the lives of kids in Randfontein better,” says Carryou Ministry General Manager, Rev. Lawrence Mbaso.

Many youngsters have written letters to the children at Tuxedo Park School and we will publish some in upcoming blog entries.

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