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Food corp workers still on a go slow

We will not be bullied into working hard and being paid less.

Food Corp workers are still on a go slow over a salary dispute.

Workers have vowed that they will down tools until management gives in to their demands.

This comes after the workers staged a massive strike outside the company’s premises on 24 July demanding a pay increase of 10 per cent.

The workers staged another strike on 28 July.

According to Mandla Ngcobo from the South African Commercial Allied Workers Union (SACAWU) who represented the workers, management still refuses to meet them half way despite their efforts of trying to be reasonable in their demands.

“We have met with management in order to find a way forward but it does not seem like they are interested.

“They still insist on a 6.5 per cent increase and we are not having it.

“We have gone down with our demand and are willing to settle for an 8.5 per cent increase however they still reject this.

“At no point will we settle for less than what we have tabled and that is that.

“We will not be bullied into working hard and being paid less.

“If they refuse to meet us half way, we will refuse to get back to work and that is the end of discussion,” says Ngcobo.

He adds that they have submitted a letter to management stating that they are not interested in meeting with them in fruitless discussion anymore.

“They should only approach us once they have decided to welcome our demand.

“Until then, we will be on a go slow,” says Ngcobo.

The Herald has tried every avenue to get hold of Food Corp management and has been deflected at every turn.

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