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Local team chases their dream

Toekomsrus based soccer team Inter Milan is set to make waves in the Castle Regional League if their recent play-off league game against Crowd Pullers FC is anything to go by.

Inter Milan played their first Castle League game on on Sunday 21 July against the Tshepisong team and gave the crowd their money’s worth with excellent soccer.

The game was a well balanced match up with neither side giving any ground.

The boys from Toekomsrus were forced onto the back foot 20 minutes into the first half when Gugu Tshiwu from the Crowd Pullers scored a goal, local boys to equalise matters.

As if to add insult to injury, a red card dealt to one of the Inter Milan players just minutes later just about sealed their fate.

But the local boys did not get where they are by giving up and a brilliant equaliser by Craig Hilt 18 minutes into the second half spurred Inter Milan into a frenzy of attacking moves and a staunch tightening of their defence.

The more experienced Crowd Pullers had to pull out all the stops to prevent the Toekomsrus boys from finding the back of the net, but in the end it was inevitable

With only two minutes to go before the final wistle, Ben Mthetwa managed to break through the opposition’s defences and the game ended with a score of 2-1 and a huge roar of support from the Randfontein supporters.

“We are more than determined to go all the way in this league,” says team manager and coach, Bernard Green.

“The players are hungry and determined and today’s match showed that they are a force to be reckoned with.”

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