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Pet owners urged to be more responsible

Animal Aid Warriors speaks out about dishonest pet owners.

Animal Aid Warriors is appealing to the community to be responsible and honest pet owners.

According to the founder of the organisation, Naomi de Beer, the appeal comes following numerous incidents where owners were dishonest. She said in one of their most recent incidents, one family stated the dog that was in their possession was astray.

“On arrival, we saw one pit bull cross and three Pekingese running together on the property. The dogs immediately followed us into the home and jumped onto the couch. No responsible owner would just keep a stray pit bull cross with three Pekingese and just assume things would work. They would keep the stray away from the little ones,” De Beer expressed.

According to De Beer, the owners complete documents and are asked specific questions about the animal. She further mentioned one of the ways they realise the person is lying is by asking questions only the owner would know the answers to.

“If you ask the owner ‘How do you know that?’ they suddenly become angry,” she noted.

De Beer stated owners might lie due to the fear of being judged. She said even though most of these people claim to be animal lovers they are ashamed of their circumstances and think lying would put them in a better light.

In such circumstances, De Beer said it is best to stay calm and to get the needed information about the dog.

The first photo taken of Snowy.

“Lying about a pet can impair the animal’s chance of adoption. If the owner claims their pet is astray, they do not want to give certain information about the animal, such as age, traits, likes, dislikes, etc.

“People would rather adopt an animal they know something about. If a person does not know anything about the animal, they spend more time in the kennel,” she emphasised.

Animal Aid Warriors is appealing to the public to be honest.

“It is in the best interest of your animal. Provide all necessary information even if you think it is not necessary. It can be the difference between life and death!” she explained.

She added if you have to move, make early contact with an animal organisation to help you find a home for your pet. She also advised you to not get animals if you have not researched the specific breed, then in the end try to dismiss the animal as a stray because the owner cannot cope.

She stated it is best to sterilise your animal.

“No animal that is used to the comforts of family life does well in kennels. Be honest and sincere for your animal’s sake and give them the best chance they deserve! The animal has been good to you – now it’s your turn to be good to them,” she said.

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