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Resident shares her experience with finding out what her culture is

For many, their culture is an integral part of their everyday lives, for some not knowing where they come from can even affect their health.

People’s way of life, in other words, one’s culture, is taught. It is the very values and beliefs that are at the heart of who they are and control whatever principles one may have – their frame of mind, mood, wishes and actions.

Not knowing your roots can make you feel physically ill which is the case for Simunye resident Nelly Ndumo who explained she only found out in 2023 that her culture is Ndawo. Both her parents sadly died in a car crash when she was a child and for a long time, she did not know her roots. She felt lonely and ill.

She then traced her roots back to Mozambique, where she found her relatives on her father’s side. Her family then welcomed her with open arms. They held rituals for her, including making her traditional beer, slaughtering a cow and speaking to their ancestors.

After discovering her roots, she says she no longer feels sick.

“I’m good, I’m happy. I am proud to know the whereabouts of my father. After visiting the family, I feel alive again.”

Once an orphan at Sebueng Itumeleng, she is now a caregiver, hoping to help others.

She added people should be proud of where they come from and advised if they find they feel the same way she did, they should go back to their roots.

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