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RandWest SPCA intervenes after children spotted walking their ‘pet’ mongoose

Under no circumstances should wild animals be kept as pets – SPCA inspector after rescuing a mongoose.

The RandWest SPCA acted swiftly to rescue a mongoose being kept as a pet in Westonaria.

SPCA manager René van Straten explained they received a call from a member of the public on September 1 informing them they drove past children walking with a mongoose. Field officer Junior Cuna then responded and had the animal removed from the children.

Van Straten stated that the animal was unharmed and healthy but ‘just untamed’.

The SPCA then consulted with a wildlife expert and after ensuring the mongoose had no injuries, they set it free in the wild.

“Thank you to the people who reported it. It is sad to see young children do this, but we can only try to educate people and fight for our animals.”

She continued, “The same as with any other wild animals, mongooses belong in the wild, they are carnivores and are usually family-orientated. They are usually found in fields and only catch snakes to eat. They are shy of humans and would rather run away and hide when people get close.

“Under no circumstances should they be kept as pets. It is a wild animal and even if they grow up with humans, their temperament as a wild animal is still unpredictable. Since they are carnivores it is also instinct for them to attack. Added, in general, wild animals should not be kept as pets, you are taking away their freedom.”

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