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Meadow Feeds treat disabled residents for more than an hour

Meadow Feeds visited Cosmos Home to celebrate Mandela Day with the residents.

Meadow Feeds used their 67 minutes for Mandela Day to treat the residents of Cosmos Home.

On July 18, Meadow Feeds was able to donate food parcels with plenty of snacks, along with bags of chicken and blankets. The company raised money throughout the year to give donations to whomever they think deserves the 67 minutes.

Regional marketing administrator from Meadow Feeds, Julene van den Berg stated that they reach out to the less fortunate every year as a way to celebrate Mandela Day.

Julene van den Berg gives Annamarie Bennett her parcel.

“The 67 minutes was a great opportunity to help the less fortunate. We always like giving love to Randfontein. Every year when we see the smiles of the residents we know that we have done something good for the community,” Julene said.

For Meadow Feeds, all that matters is knowing that they have made a change by giving a few minutes of kindness to those who are less fortunate.

“Mandela Day should not be an annual project, but rather one that we apply in our daily lives.”

Julene van den Berg gives Ruan du Toit his parcel.

The company has been celebrating Mandela Day for about seven years.

The chairperson of the home, Hanlie Jansen van Vuuren, expressed that they are utterly grateful for Meadow Feeds.

“We cannot thank them enough for the great treat they have given our residents. More than 15 residents were able to enjoy the spoils. Through Mandela Day, the community can become more aware of the disabled people and the dedication that the staff gives,” Hanlie said.

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