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Help plant a future at Sebueng Itumeleng NPO

Sebueng Itumeleng NPO in Simunye is appealing for urgent donations.

Sebueng Itumeleng NPO needs donations to continue helping the less fortunate.

Project manager Sebueng Sarah Segopolo is appealing to the community for donations and claims the organisation has a food garden where they hand out food grown from their garden.

Sebueng Itumeleng NPO has its own gardens where they grow food that is handed out.

“We also help children with their homework and youth with skills development like beadwork, sewing, and other sports activities for free. We encourage the community to turn dumping sites into food gardens,” Sebueng said.

A pumpkin from Sebueng Itumeleng NPO’s garden will be given to the less fortunate.

The food parcels also include items such as maize meal, sugar, cooking oil, rice, canned baked beans, fish, and washing powder.

Thabang Sebabalala is a caregiver specialising in beadwork and he volunteers for Thabang Sebabalala.

In May 2023, to celebrate Child Protection Week, the organisation helped multiple children with homework and food parcels. In March, the organisation handed out food parcels as part of Human Rights Day.

Sebueng said that the organisation needs donations to continue helping the community.

These donations include:

• new or used garden tools
• bricks
• paint
• fencing
• cement
• new or used clothes for children
• school stationery

If any donations can be made, contact Sebueng on 072 139 1025.

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