
Get your home back-to-school ready again

Routines and good habits can fly out of the window during the holidays, which can leave parents feeling anxious about the back-to-school rush. Here's how to help minimise the stress …

The holidays will soon be over and RE/MAX of Southern Africa shared some ways to help get your home organised ahead of the morning rush.

RE/MAX of Southern Africa shared some ways to help get your home organised again:

• Invest in good built-in wardrobes
The last thing you need is to have someone still searching for socks when you’re halfway out the door. Having adequate storage will help streamline the process of getting dressed and ready for the day. By investing in built-in wardrobes, homeowners will also be adding to the resale value of the home. For those who like to be extra prepared, purchase wardrobe organisers and label each shelf according to the days of the week, and pre-pack clothing onto the relevant shelves.

• Design a functional feature wall
Take the opportunity to create a functional feature wall near the entrance of the home where coats, backpacks, and dirty shoes can be neatly stored as soon as your family returns home. This can also double as a quick way for everyone to grab what they need as they head out of the door. To follow the latest trends, install thin wooden panelling against a dark feature wall and add neat hooks and shelves to create functional storage.

• Avoid cluttering up your home
The day-to-day school routines can bring with them a flurry of permission slips, artwork, and half-finished homework that can easily clutter up the home. This will make the home feel smaller and less functional. To avoid this, set up a designated homework desk where you can place various trays labelled as ‘to-do’, ‘completed’, and ‘to be signed’ – just be sure to check these trays every evening or first thing in the morning to avoid a build-up. To stay on top of all the various due dates and extracurriculars, put up a calendar in a spot that you’ll look at every day, like the fridge. You could also create another décor feature out of this by painting a chalkboard onto the wall or setting up a decorative pinboard.

• Organise your kitchen
To help prepare breakfasts and lunches, good kitchen storage solutions are key. Although pricey, a kitchen remodel can add significant value to a home. But, for those who lack the budget for a full renovation, there are ways to improve the functionality of the space by adding clear storage containers and pull-out racks to help organise food supplies and other kitchen knickknacks.

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