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Yes, your dog can get cat flu! Here’s what you need to know about Parvovirus

Parvovirus is becoming more common and dangerous, therefore Dr Lottie explains why it is important to get your puppy vaccinated ASAP.

Dr Lottie Carr, a veterinarian at Homestead Animal Hospital emphasised the importance of vaccinations since the Parvovirus (cat flu) is more common.

According to Dr Lottie, the Parvovirus mostly affects young dogs. Symptoms include lethargy, depression, loss or lack of appetite followed by a sudden onset of high fever, vomiting and diarrhoea.

“The Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that affects all dogs if they have not been vaccinated. Vaccinations are very effective in preventing your dog from getting the virus, although a small percentage of vaccinated dogs still get cat flu,” Dr Lottie stated.

She further mentioned many people assume that keeping their dogs at home means that they will not be infected.

“Unfortunately, this is not true. The virus can be carried by insects such as flies as well as windy weather,” said Dr Lottie.

She also elaborated that a complete vaccination includes a series of three vaccinations over the course of 21 to 30 days. Dr Lottie added that some practices recommend a fourth vaccination to ensure that the dog does not fall ill.

“Nobivac recently released a new vaccination called Nobivac DP Plus. This vaccination can be given to a pup as young as four weeks,” Dr Lottie confirmed.

Dr Lottie strongly encourages dog owners to consider vaccinations since the treatment for the virus is much more expensive than the vaccinations are and dogs that have the virus are more likely to succumb to it. She added that if dogs get the Parvovirus without vaccinations, despite treatment dogs may suffer potential complications after overcoming the virus.

“Let’s make Randfontein Parvo free,” Dr Lottie concluded.

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