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Owl rescued after being trapped in workshop ceiling

The RandWest SPCA with the help of Community Led Animal Welfare had to assist in the rescue of a trapped owl in Mohlakeng.

An owl stuck between a roof and ceiling of a workshop in Mohlakeng had to be rescued.

RandWest SPCA inspector Rene van Straten said the rescue took place last week (July 19).

She explained that builders who were busy closing the ceiling at the workshop noticed the stuck owl. The SPCA was notified and rushed over.

Rand West SPCA assistant Michael Makumbe was not scared to climb up and try to rescue the owl. Photo submitted.

“We received a call from a very concerned home builder about an owl stuck in the ceiling area. We were informed that the owl was between the roof and the ceiling and the builders luckily noticed it before they closed the ceiling. They realised that they couldn’t find a way out and that is when our assistant Michael Makumbe and I rushed to the residence.

“Upon arrival, our assistant Michael Makumbe, who is brave by nature took a risk and climbed up high to try and rescue the owl. We noticed that it was frightened and did it keep on flying back and forth in the ceiling. We then decided to leave a trap for the owl overnight,” said Van Straten.

She added that they contacted the Community Led Animal Welfare for guidance in dealing with the situation and the owl was then caught and placed in a cage. It was rushed to the Greenhills Animal Hospital where it was assisted and found with no injuries and it didn’t suffer any dehydration.

Van Straten added they consulted with the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary telephonically and confirmed that it would be in the best interest of the barn owl to be immediately placed in a safe area.

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