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Desperate times call for desperate drinking: Man arrested for shoplifting booze

Mapogo A Mathamaga Security in Rand West City revealed two criminals were arrested for theft recently – one for stealing two bottles of liquor, the other for copper.

A man was arrested for stealing two bottles of liquor in one of two serious theft incidents reported in Rand West City this past week.

The other incident involved the theft of copper and steel pipes.

Mapogo A Mathamaga operations manager Danie Vermeulen said the first incident occurred in Randgate and the second in Greenhills.

• Also read: Residents urged to be vigilant as break-ins continue

“We responded to an incident of shoplifting in Union Street, Randgate last week [July 10]. The suspect entered a shop and stole two bottles of liquor. Shop employees noticed this and activated the panic button. Our armed reaction units were dispatched and upon arrival, the suspect was arrested and handed over to the Randontein SAPS,” said Vermeulen.

Meanwhile, with the second incident, a theft was recorded in Crane Street, Greenhills on July 12.

• Also read: Criminal found hiding in resident’s garage during break-in

Vermeulen said that armed reaction officer Dirk Boshoff noticed a suspect inside the premises during his routine patrol.

Upon further investigation, Boshoff noticed that the suspect was indeed stealing copper and steel pipes from the property.

He was then arrested and handed over to the Randfontein SAPS.

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