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Old age home showered with donations on Mandela Day

A donation of food, blankets, groceries, walking sticks, and adult nappies among other items was made to the old age home.

The Wheatlands Old Age Home was a hive of activity on Mandela Day (July 18), as government dignitaries as well as various stakeholders visited the place and spent the day with elderly citizens

Mzi Khumalo, the Gauteng MEC for the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), e-Government, Research and Development, and officials from the Al Imdaad Foundation were among those there.

The purpose of their visit was to spend Mandela Day with the residents of the old age home and show them love, as well as shower them with some gifts for the day.

Mohamed Osman, Xoliwe Batalisi, Pauline Mokae and Anna Mokoena were happy to have met and spent the day with each other and the elderly citizens.

This was through a donation of blankets, groceries, walking sticks, and adult nappies among others.

The officials present also took to the back of the old age home and planted vegetables, which will go a long way in ensuring food security for the establishment.

The Randfontein Herald was at the event and spoke to the founder of the old age home, Pauline Mokae, who said that she is thrilled to have spent Mandela Day celebrating the oldies.

“I’m extremely delighted and blessed to have such dignitaries come to our old age home and spend Mandela Day with us. It shows that our good work does not go unnoticed. We feel extremely appreciated and this serves as further motivation for us to keep doing what we are doing.

“We are a registered non-profit organisation and we are passionate about taking care of elderly citizens and ensuring that they are always happy,” said Mokae, who added that she was grateful for the donations made.

The Herald also spoke to Abed Karrim who is the head of department at the Al Imdaad Foundation who said that they are happy to have offered a helping hand.

The founder of the Wheatlands Old Age Home Pauline Mokae is happy about the donations that have been made to the elderly citizens.

“Our purpose here is to support the MEC of CoGTA at the senior citizen’s home as part of our winter project. The project is part of our annual winter initiative and it is now winter and it is cold.

“We, therefore, saw it fit to donate blankets in partnership with the MEC on this event, as well as groceries and other items. This adds more value to our purpose of giving. If one looks at the message of the iconic Nelson Mandela, one will know that he wanted us to give, share, forgive and assist our communities,” said Karrim.

He added that their foundation is a disaster response organisation and they are based in KZN. They also have an office in Gauteng.

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