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‘Be cautious when receiving deliveries at home’

Security services warn residents to be cautious when receiving deliveries at home. They also provided some safety tips.

Community reports of residents being held up at their gate when collecting fast food deliveries at home are once again surfacing.

According to the reports, as a resident goes outside to collect their order, criminals allegedly exit their vehicle, then grabs the keys from the delivery driver and steal his/ her cell phone. This potentially also puts residents at risk.

Fidelity ADT has therefore issued an alert to all homeowners to remain alert when leaving the safety of their home to collect food or other deliveries.

Charnel Hattingh, Head of Marketing and Communication of Fidelity ADT, said it is advisable to carry your portable panic button with you and press it if you have any concerns to alert armed response. Panic buttons are key, she added, saying that residents should have easy access to a button if a crisis arises.

“It is of no use if panic buttons are put in a cupboard somewhere and forgotten about. They need to be easily accessible and we recommend that you have them in a pocket or hanging around your neck for quick access. Panic buttons should also be checked regularly to ensure they are in good working condition.

“It is important to be vigilant when accepting deliveries. If you are expecting deliveries please be aware of your surroundings, limit the amount of cash you carry – make sure you have the correct amount on you. Don’t wear expense jewellery and leave your cell phone in the house,” she said.

She offered the following additional safety tips:

• Do not open the gate, even if you are expecting a delivery. Rather sign for your goods through the gate and be absolutely sure there is no around before opening your gate to retrieve your goods

• It is advisable to install a second security measure such as a security gate with an intercom at the front door. This gives you a second level of defence and possible a few minutes more to press the panic button if need be

• For your safety and the safety of the driver make sure the area is well lit at night. Carry a torch with you for extra visibility

• Make sure your children are inside when you accept a delivery for their own safety

Make sure your children are inside when you accept a delivery for their own safety. Photo: Artem Podrez/ For illustrative purposes.

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