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Animal lover, vet rescues stray dog in pouring rain

Shekinah was rescued but had bad burn wounds on her back. Fortunately she was treated and taken to a good home thanks to Stephan Hendricks and Dr Johan Naude.

The intervention of a local animal lover gave a stray and injured four-legged friend a new lease on life.

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The Good Samaritan Stephan Hendricks said he was rushing home on Monday, October 31 after a hectic storm to check up on his animals. He then spotted a dog’s face sticking out between the tall grass, while it was pouring with rain, in Randgate right across from the Randfontein Animal Hospital.

“All you could see was the wounds on her back as if she was thrown with boiling water. I tried to lure her but as soon as I got too close she bolted and ran.”

He explained there was no way that he was going to leave her and that she needed help. He then drove to the Randfontein Animal Hospital and asked the vet if he was available to dart her – knowing that it comes with a price tag but the bill was the last thing on Stephan’s mind.

“Dr Johan Naude was on lunch but was keen to help and I waited, keeping an eye on the poor soul.”

Stephan explained that she was in a huge open veld with tall grass and ran after getting scared, but they followed her and Dr Johan had the opportunity to dart her.

“She eventually fell asleep as was covered in ticks, she was then taken to the vet for treatment. We think that she was burnt with boiling water and then got out of a property or was dropped off next to the road. Her whole back was covered in open wounds.”

He added that after getting the necessary treatment, on Thursday, November 3 she went home with her new owners to start her wonderful new life.

Shekinah, as she is named by her new owners Grant and Penny Reilly, was excited to go to her new home after all the trouble that she went through.

Stephan Hendricks, Dr Johan Naude and Naftaly after Shekinah was darted. Photo submitted.

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