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Bekkersdal police improve relations with community to fight crime

Bekkersdal Police management including its station commander met with residents of various informal settlements saying 'crime rates at informal settlements high'.

Management of Bekkersdal Police have attributed persistent criminal activities at informal settlements of Bekkersdal to poor relations between themselves and the community.

Bekkersdal Police station commander Colonel Phumelele Matamela, who met with residents on Wednesday March 23 said it was concerning that informal settlements including Mandela, Spooktown, Holomisa and Tambo all show high crime rates. She was also joined by Sector Managers, the social crime prevention unit and members of the Community Policing Forum (CPF).

Management of the police aimed to improve relations between them and the community. Photo: Submitted.

Bekkersdal Police spokesperson Sergeant Linkie Lefakane added these areas are infamous for crimes including murder, attempted murder, robberies and rape.

The community was further warned about avoid walking from place to place during odd hours as they might fall prey to such crimes.

Our aim is to strengthen ailing relations with residents,” Sergeant Lefakane said.

Concluding the meeting, Colonel Matamela said, “We encourage residents to be part of sector crime forums and remind everyone not to take the law into their own hands. Such actions would still amount to breaking the law. Crime affects us all. This is the time where we must work hard and identify criminal activities in communities.”

Sergeant Lefakane also concluded by saying, “The community vowed to work hand-in-hand with the police to make sure that all those who are on the wrong side of the law were brought to book.”

Bekkersdal Police met with residents in Holomisa to speak against crime. Photo: Submitted.

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