
Homes being targeted in town a big concern – Mapogo crime report

'Three incidents of attempted housebreaking, and one of housebreaking and theft raise concern' – Mapogo operations manager

It was a relatively busy week for Mapogo A Mathamaga Security, and the four serious incidents being reported for their client base were all property-related.

According to Ben Willemse, Operations Manager at Mapogo, the incidents were reported for the period between Monday, October 4 and Sunday, October 10.

A breakdown of the crime incidents:

• Monday, October 4 at 04:01 – Attempted housebreaking at Wilbotsdal Plots. While intruders were breaking a window after entering the property, they were surprised by the Mapogo reaction officer. The thugs managed to evade possible arrest and fled the scene empty-handed.

• Tuesday, October 5 at 13:31 – Attempted housebreaking on Dias Street, Culemborg Park. Intruders gained entry onto the premises by cutting the lock on the main gate. While forcing open a sliding door the alarm was activated and the thugs fled the scene.

• Thursday, October 7 at 17:07 – Attempted housebreaking on Diana Street, Homelake. Thugs attempted to force open the kitchen door but failed, and fled the scene.

• Friday, October 8 at 13:57 – Housebreaking and theft on Constantia Street, Culemborg Park. Intruders lifted the gate from the rails and forced open the front door and safety gate. They stole household items and fled the scene. The alarm system was not activated at the time of the break-in.

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