
WATCH: Elderly resident attacked with garden fork

'When my wife told me about a stranger in our garden, I went outside and confronted the intruder' – brave resident.

A 71-year-old Homelake resident was attacked with a garden fork while confronting an intruder in his garden.

The incident occurred at approximately 07:30 on Thursday, July 29 and left the homeowner with several injuries after fighting off the attacker.

Also read: Teen injured while trying to protect sister from house robbers

The victim told the Herald he luckily wasn’t hit in the face or upper body.

It happened after my wife and I waited for our domestic worker to arrive. When my wife told me about a stranger in our garden, I went outside and confronted the intruder.”

Watch here:

Read the full interview with the brave resident in the Herald‘s August 20 edition.

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