
This is really poor service!

No books went out in almost two years, why do they still need to do stock take until May?

• Anonymous writes:

After a article in the Herald that the libraries will be fully operational from the 6th of April, I went there to take out some books after almost two years of it begin non-operational.

I was really shocked when on the 14th of April they told me, “No, we are still busy with stock take”. Really?

No books went out in almost two years, why do they still need to do stock take until May?

This is really poor service and I am sure that more than one person has the same concerns.

Can someone please reply to this message with a good enough explanation on why our public library is NON OPERATIONAL?

You cannot contact them, they don’t answer their phones and there is no email address.

The Herald did not receive the requested feedback from the local library at the time of print – Ed.

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