
Your daily weather update, inspiration and random facts

Good morning!

Here are a few random facts to start your morning off:

  • The Barbie doll’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, from Willows, Wisconsin. Her birthday is March 9, 1959, when she was first displayed at the New York Toy Fair
  • Pineapples have flesh-eating enzymes in them, which is why your mouth stings when you eat it.
  • Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.
  • Not only does hot water make a different sound than cold water when poured, 96% of people can correctly guess the temperature based on sound alone.

Your weather forecast for today:

A minimum of -2°C and a maximum of 12°C

Plenty of sunshine, but cooler

Sunrise: 6:55 AM

Sunset: 5:33 PM

*Weather update by AccuWeather

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