Lockdown friends

Pastor Gerrit Mes; from the pulpit

Lockdown has put pressure on many areas of our lives; economics, employment and entertainment.

The restrictions have reminded me of the value of interaction with others – not Facebook, but face to face.

Handshakes and hugs are so important. It is in time of change that we discover the human needs we all have.The Bible is full of beautiful descriptions of friends and friendships.

“A friend loves at all times.” “Do not forsake your friend.”

Friends care! It is during the lockdown that I have discovered new ways to interact with friends.

One special thing I do with a few friends that appreciate and respond in kind, is sharing photos of our meals. Setting up the dinner table, flowers and candles. Pictures of the food, flapjacks, bunny chow or, on a date night, oxtail and samp.

Getting pictures back of their creative efforts to make a special dinner. One night my wife and I even dressed up and sent the photo to friends.The lockdown can be an opportunity to encourage a God-given need, interaction on a different level.

Some people may choose to withdraw, become critical and negative. You can use this situation to build relationships you didn’t have time for before.

“A true friend lays down his life for his friend.” After all is said and done, James 2:23 can be a revelation, “And he was called a friend of God”.

Imagine a friendship with God, sharing and caring. If you want to have a true friend, you must first be willing to be a true friend.

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