
Man robbed, shot and killed near cemetery

Westonaria Police reveal that a second victim was shot and killed near the same spot within a week.

A man was shot and killed in an open veld between Venterspos and Libanon near the Westonaria Cemetery.

Sergeant Audrey Sefara, Westonaria Police spokesperson, said the incident took place on Friday, 28 February.

“Police officers were patrolling when they were called to a spot near the cemetery. A woman at the scene told them that she was a front-seat passenger in a vehicle when they were approached by two unknown men from the nearby bushes who pointed firearms at them. They were forced towards the cemetery and ordered to hand over their cellphones and cash. The driver, a 47-year-old man, was fatally shot and his pistol was also taken.”

Also Read:

Body with gunshot wounds found near cemetery

According to Sefara, there was a similar incident a week before, a few metres away in the same open veld. The driver was killed and the female companion was left unharmed, but their cellphones and money were also taken.

“We are investigating two cases of murder and robbery. We warn the community to refrain from going to these open areas. They must also be vigilant and cautious when driving around and stopping at stop signs in secluded areas.

“Perpetrators see an opportunity to commit a crime and they seize it. Their targets are those travelling alone or in small numbers in areas not visible to the public, and they take small items such as cellphones and money. They never target vehicles.”

Colonel Selvan Moonsamy, Westonaria Police station commander has condemned these attacks as lives are lost and everybody’s freedom of movement has been compromised. Patrols, and stops and searches are intensified.

He further urged the public to report any suspicious behaviour or any suspicion of an unlicensed firearm to the police.

Anyone with information may contact the Westonaria Police on 011 278 5300 or 011 278 5395, or contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or the Detectives on 082 463 7234.

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