
Police officer reacts swiftly to help save 37 livestock

Constable Mzwandile Sphelele Masuku of the Bekkersdal Police assisted in the safe return of 24 sheep and 13 goats to their rightful owner.

Constable Mzwandile Sphelele Masuku of the Bekkersdal Police’s swift response led to the recovery of 37 livestock in Zuurbekom.

The now dubbed ‘hero cop’ assisted in the safe return of 24 sheep and 13 goats to their rightful owner on Tuesday, 28 January.

He said when he received a frantic call from a farmer, he did not waste a minute.

“The call was made at about 0.45 am and the owner informed me that thugs had surrounded his property and were in the process of stealing his livestock,” Masuku said.

The same owner lost 82 sheep in December 2019.

“I though to myself the thieves were back to help themselves to more livestock, but I said to myself not today, this has to stop.”

Although the would-be thieves managed to escape, he said the area has since been patrolled to prevent more theft.

Asked why he acted swiftly and saved the situation, Masuku said he believes that as a member of the South African Police Service, he has a duty to ensure that every citizen is protected at all times.

“Any police officer should go beyond the call of duty to save the property and lives of citizens,” Masuku said.

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