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Get to know a ‘Teiner’ #126 — Lindiwe Ngcobo

The 126th person in the Herald’s Get to know a Randfonteiner project introduces herself.

Meet our ‘Teiner’ of the week, 24-year-old Lindiwe Ngcobo, who originates from the South of Johannesburg, but said Randfontein is now her home.

Lindiwe who now lives in Greenhills, considers herself an extrovert, because she is ‘out there’. “I am someone who has a bubbly personality and love hanging around with other people,” she said.

She also described herself as unique.

“I like the fact that I am always up for a challenge. I just jump in without any fear,” she said.

With her whole life still ahead of her, Lindiwe said she is looking forward to the future.

“Giving up is never an option for me. I believe that as people we should always strive to make the best of opportunities as that can lead to bigger and better things,” Lindiwe added.

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