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#ThrowbackThursday – 11 July 1987

The Herald goes back, way back, to 11 July 1987 for this week’s #ThrowbackThursday.

It’s #ThrowbackThursday and the Herald went back in time to the 11 July 1987 edition to see what was in the news.

On the front page, it was announced by the then Randfontein Police station commander, Major Louis Fourie, that Randfontein would get its own Neighbourhood Watch system.

He said at the time that it had been proven in the past, that where the residents undertook Neighbourhood Watch patrols to keep an eye on the general situation in the area and specifically keep watch over the houses of people on holiday, the crime rate had diminished considerably.

Fourie then referred to Florida and Roodepoort – two of the first areas to institute a Neighbourhood Watch system. He encouraged residents to get together in a formal meeting where an official police spokesperson could address them and work out a system of Neighbourhood Watches in conjunction with the local police.

With the Community Policing Forum (CPF) having replaced the Neighbourhood Watch 32 years later, the Herald spoke to Zaheer Gangat, executive chairperson of the West Rand District Community Policing Board, about the importance of the public joining such a system – a CPF– and working hand in hand with police to fight crime.

Other interesting news items at the time include …

Rusty Whittaker, newly elected President of the Randfontein Rotary Club has chosen ‘Contact, Communication and Co-operation’ as his theme for this year. Pictured is outgoing president, Father Basil Templeton, welcoming Rusty as new President.
Deesdae is verreweg die meeste petroljoggies mans, maar 32 jaar gelede was dit nie die geval nie. Hier is ‘n advertensie van ‘n motorhawe in Greenhills wat spesifiek vier vrouepetroljoggies wou aanstel.
In die vermaak-afdeling in die Herald van 11 Julie 1987 het ons berig dat Bles Bridges se nuutste album soos soetkoop verkoop het. Na minder as ‘n maand op die rak is daar 60 000 ‘Reik na die Sterre’- albums verkoop. Die album het reeds dubbele goue status (40 000) gekry nog voordat dit vrygestel is.
Die Wes-Randse Bloedoortappingsdiens het ‘n beroep op die inwoners van die gebied gedoen om so gou as moontlik met hul onderskeie klinieke en hospitale in verbinding te tree om bloed te skenk aangesien daar toe ‘n tekort aan alle tipes bloed was.
The front page article of 11 July 1987 in which the then Randfontein Police station commander, Major Louis Fourie came out in support of a Neighbourhood Watch system in order to keep crime at bay.
Die Flamingo Pluimbalklub het in die eerste rondte van hulle ligawedstryde baie goed gevaar en die A-, B- en C-span was onoorwonne. Op die foto is Gideon Pretorius besig om punte in te samel vir die B-span.
Laerskool Betsie Verwoerd het ‘n nuwe hoof, Francois Marais gekry. Hy het sy sout werd blyk te wees as ‘n mens na sy impossante loopbaan gekyk het. Die Herald het destyds berig dat Francois al ‘n betreklik lang pad saam in die onderwys gestap het.

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