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Why women don’t like Pap smears, and why they’re needed

In light of #Women'sMonth, it’s worth placing women’s health in the spotlight and talking about something that many find frightening – the dreaded Pap smear ...

Since Women’s Month is a time to celebrate South African women, it’s worth placing women’s health in the spotlight and talking about something that many find frightening – the dreaded Pap smear.

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among South African women and according to the National Cancer Registry 2012, one in 39 women in South Africa will be diagnosed with cervical cancer. It is curable if detected and treated in the early stages which is why going for regular check-ups is so important.

Dr Seboleo Mojaki, an obstetrician based at the Advanced Groenkloof day hospital, wants to take this opportunity to educate and encourage women to take their reproductive health into their own hands.

“Many women do not have enough information on reproductive health, cervical cancer and why this procedure is a vital weapon in the fight for women’s health,” Dr Mojaki said.

“Cervical cancer is a serious disease, and it can only be detected with a Pap smear. I know there are many hundreds of women who don’t go for regular Pap smears because they are intimidated by the process, fearful of the test results or simply embarrassed by their bodies. But it is so incredibly important to have this test done regularly, as it is the best way to screen for cervical cancer. Remember, early detection saves lives,” she said.

Dr Mojaki answered the five most common questions asked about Pap smears:

1. When and how often should I have a Pap smear?

The South African Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Advisory Board recommends that a woman should begin having Pap smears when she becomes sexually active or turns 21. Annual testing should be done until the age of 30 and thereafter every three years.

2. Why do I need a Pap smear?

The sample that is taken during your Pap smear is generally tested for HPV, which is a virus transferred during sex and can be linked to cervical cancer. Doctors are able to spot HPV even before changes can be seen on the cervix. This means women at risk of cervical cancer can be identified much earlier and their health can be monitored closely.

3. How is a Pap smear taken?

Your doctor will ask you to lie back and will gently insert an instrument called a speculum into your vagina, allowing her to view your cervix. A brush or spatula is then used to take a sample of cells from just inside the opening of your cervix. This sample is then sent for testing. It is important to remember that you should not make your appointment when you are menstruating, as it may be more difficult to get a clear result on the test.

4. Does it hurt?

Pap smears do not hurt, they are just a little bit uncomfortable and awkward. The discomfort lasts for a few short minutes as the test is quick to perform. However, the few minutes of awkwardness is a small price to pay for health.

5. What happens after the Pap smear?

The laboratory will examine the sample and check for irregular cells. If there are irregular cells, your doctor will call you in and explain the next steps.

So, as you celebrate Women’s Month, educate and inform each other about women’s reproductive health.

Go out there and arrange your Pap smear by contacting your nearest Advanced Health day hospital for assistance.

• Source: Gillian Gamsy International Communications

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