
They just don’t give a damn

What happens when someone is killed or kills someone else, trying to avoid a gigantic pothole?

• Anonymous writes:

I am not sure if you are aware of the potentially lethal potholes in Lazar Avenue, particularly between Rosetta Nursery (Elizabeth Road) and the Dwarskloof turnoff.

I travel up and down this road every day on my way to and from work and it’s only a question of time before someone gets killed as a result of one of the many very large and very deep potholes.

I have written to the councillor for that area and he advised me he has requested repairs on that road several times since February but gets no response or joy from the local municipality.

I get the impression the municipality just does not give a damn about the potential dangers Randfontein residents face on this road (and many others in the area) every day. I have heard they are spending what money they have in Westonaria (to Randfontein’s detriment).

What happens when someone is killed or kills someone else, trying to avoid a gigantic pothole? The other day my husband had to stop dead in front of one of the biggest potholes as there was too much oncoming traffic to swerve out and go onto the other side of the road. The road is extremely busy and is used by many heavy trucks throughout the day and night. Vehicles using that road also drive pretty fast (although it’s a 60km/h zone, most go well over 80km/h). I know where most of the potholes are, but if I invite friends around from outside of Randfontein, I have to tell them to take the long roundabout route to get to my plot because travelling on that road at night is just asking for trouble, particularly if you are not aware of the potholes … and the street lights don’t always work.

This creates a very negative impression about our town and particularly about the municipality and is not good for Randfontein.

Please be careful when you go that way – it’s potentially lethal and we don’t want you guys having an accident or seriously damaging your tyres etc.

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