
MAJOR BUST: Truck with over R7 million in fines pulled over

Truck with over R7 million in fines nailed by Randfontein Traffic Police, handed over to police.

On Wednesday morning, 26 October, the Herald was called out to the Randfontein Traffic Police Department‘s Law Enforcement: Impound unit, where an unroadworthy truck with over R7 million in fines against it was handed over to the Hawks for further investigation.

The truck in question was pulled over by the Randfontein Traffic Police recently. It was found to have no licence disk, and was then taken to the Randfontein Traffic Police Department.

The licence disk that clearly shows 2014 as the year of registration.
The licence disk that clearly shows 2014 as the year of registration.

Victor de Jager, a Randfontein traffic policeman, said when they had a look on the system, they found that the truck had over R7 million in fines against and that the registration on the inside of the truck was last renewed in 2014.

De Jager said, “A man named Thabo recently came to the station, saying that they want the truck back. It was not given to him, because of the amount which is outstanding in fines. We then handed the case over to the Hawks and the police.”

Randfontein traffic police officer, Victor de Jager, showing that there is no licence disk on the truck.
Randfontein traffic police officer, Victor de Jager, showing that there is no licence disk on the truck.

De Jager continued by saying they were then informed they should ask for identification from anybody that comes to claim the truck. After that, another man came to claim the truck, but when De Jager asked him for identification, he ran away.

De Jager then received information that the truck is somehow linked to Rustenburg. The Rustenburg Police are also investigating the matter.

The licence disk that clearly shows 2014 as the year of registration.
The licence disk that clearly shows 2014 as the year of registration.

The truck, which is either carrying chickenfeed or compost, is still parked at the traffic department, and the smell is unbearable.

Also read:

Traffic cops don’t just give fines

Traffic police chief warns: Obey bylaws or else…

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