
A community of angels

After the on story Danie Esterhuizen was published, a man who sits at the intersection at the robot close to Spur, a big response from the community sincerely warmed my heart. Corrie and Janine from Adonia Angel Projects donated money to Danie and residents phoned in to find out how much Danie needed to pay …

After the on story Danie Esterhuizen was published, a man who sits at the intersection at the robot close to Spur, a big response from the community sincerely warmed my heart. Corrie and Janine from Adonia Angel Projects donated money to Danie and residents phoned in to find out how much Danie needed to pay his monthly rent.

When I gave Danie the money, the appreciation was clearly seen on his face, and he said that we will all be blessed because of this. In Danie’s world the amount of money he received makes a huge difference, and gives him the hope and courage to go out there everyday knowing that there are people who truly care.

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