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Cleaner becomes a teacher

'If an old man like me could do it, so can the young people'.

Lennith Webster, 55, who formerly was a cleaner at Toekomsrus Primary School has blossomed into a teacher.

Lennith was a cleaner at the school and didn’t have matric when one of the teachers, Jacques Julius encouraged him to study and become a teacher.

“One of the teachers encouraged me to study further. My wife played a big role as well. We met while I was a cleaner – she is also a teacher but at a different school. She also encouraged me to go into teaching.”

Lennith started working as a cleaner at Toekomsrus Primary in 2003 and in 2005 he completed his matric through Abet (Adult Basic Education and Training) classes.

In 2009 he started studying towards his Bachelors of Education degree and will complete it in June. His first year was spent at Unisa and the remainder were spent at the University of the Free State.

“My wife used to help me with assignments. It was tough at times but I had to push through,” Lennith said.

He since got a job at Toekomsrus Primary School as a teacher. He teaches Grade 4 English, Mathematics and Afrikaans Second Language.

“I appreciate everyone’s help while I was doing my matric and studying. Thank you to the principal of Toekomsrus Primary and my wife. My children are also so proud of me. This goes to show that if an old man like me could do it, the young people of Toekomsrus can do it too.”

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