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Randgate a pothole hell

Residents say the roads are a disaster.

Motorists should drive carefully in Randgate.

According to residents the neighbourhood has too many potholes, which have caused thousands of rands’ damage to motorists’ tyres, mags and suspensions.

“We have lived in Randgate for about five years now and in that time we have contacted the municipality countless times about the pothole in front of our driveway,” Charl Kruger said.

According to him the municipality can’t even give him an indication of when they plan to attend to the potholes.

“I phoned the 011 411 0236 number again on Tuesday (24 November) and when the municipality eventually answered I was told that they don’t know when it would be fixed. It just proves there is no plan of action for our roads and we all should just buy 4x4s,” an annoyed Kruger added.

Kruger stays in Tudhope Street, which is also the road trucks use for Spar’s deliveries. Trucks using the residential roads damages the roads.

“Trucks are the biggest cause of road degradation. They can’t swerve out for potholes and when they go through one, they just make it bigger,” said Dr Hendrik Naudé, veterinarian at the Randfontein Animal Hospital on Malan Street.

Naudé’s wife, Ansie had to replace a tyre recently after driving through a pothole.

“The rain made the pothole impossible to see, which damaged one of my wheels beyond repair. Two other cars also hit the same hole before me and had to pull over to the side of the road. To replace the tyre cost me R1 000,” Naudé’s wife said.

Asked about claiming damages from the municipality residents say the effort and time spent on the issue just isn’t worth it.

“Potholes filled with sand or patched with tar isn’t the answer. We need more teams of fewer people tackling more roads at a time and not three people working while five others stand and watch,” Naudé said.

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