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R’fontein at the 94.7 Cycle Challenge

"I was very surprised that I did so well. It was my first 94.7 " — Randfontein resident.

Randfontein was well represented at this year’s 94.7 Cycle Challenge held recently.

The Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge was held on Sunday 16 November. This annual event draws crowds from all over the world and is enjoyed fully by locals.

Some rode for the love of the open road while others rode to win. The race is also a platform for cyclists with a big heart to ride to create awareness about various diseases and to raise funds for charities. The most common disease people ride for is cancer.

While no South African won this year, they did manage to secure a second place in both the men’s and women’s categories. The victors of the challenge’s new route were Mariaane Vos and Till Drobisch from the Netherlands and Namibia respectively.

While these internationals took the win, Randfontein locals proudly represented their home town. The herald spoke to one of the more mature residents as well as a fresh face who is nearing the end of her school career.

Lee Kotze, 16, finished third in the junior women’s category, crossing the finish line in a time of three hours, 45 minutes and 46 seconds. It was Lee’s first Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge.

“I was very surprised that I did so well in my first 94.7 Cycle Challenge,” Lee stated modestly. She said she is in it for the thrill the competition gives.

Her club Randmark is very proud of her achievements.

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