
Keep up the good work Randfontein Municipality

'I have found new faith in our municipality'

I am truly amazed by the effort the Randfontein Local Municipality has put in over the past few weeks.

After years of fighting and almost giving up, I truly can say that I have found new faith in our municipality.

When I drove through Randfontein with my family at the end of September, we found that most of our roads have been fixed and potholes could just be something of the past as nearly every pothole in Randfontein is now fixed.

I want to encourage them to keep it up and always have this kind of pride in their work; it shows us as residents that you do care about our wellbeing as well as the state of our town.

I truly hope this eagerness to fix what is wrong will last.

Well done Randfontein Local Municipality.

Keep up the good work.

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