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SA experiences 5.2 magnitude earthquake

"I last felt an earthquake in the country in the late 50’s" — resident

EMSC-CSEM who provides information in near real time about earthquakes in the European – Mediterranean region and large earthquakes worldwide confirmed that a 5.2 magnitude earthquake struck the country earlier this afternoon.

Other interesting information according to their official website, www.emsc-csem.org:
• depth 10km
• distance 147 km SW of Soweto, South Africa / pop: 1,695,047 / local time: 12:22:36.1 2014-08-05
12 km S of Orkney, South Africa / pop: 145,801 / local time: 12:22:36.1 2014-08-05

Earthquake causes panic

The Herald has been inundated with phone calls from residents stating that a mini earth quake had just hit the West Rand and other parts of the country today (5 August) just minutes ago.

Although it hasn’t been confirmed yet, reports have indicated that what just happened could have been a mini earthquake with people taking to twitter and facebook to post their experience.

According to Greenhills resident Fanie Barnard 73, he was watching tv at his home when two jam jars fell off the cabinet and says that he last felt an earthquake here in the country in the late 50’s but says that this is the worst he has felt thus far.

Meanwhile, Eyewitness news has reported that the mini earthquake was also felt in Capetown.

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  1. We too felt the earth quake in homelake. My one daughter was sleeping and my other daughter was playing with my son. As it hit my son was moving and looking at us strange. I was sitting across the room and I felt it. Even our fridge done a jig with the shack. But luckly there was nothing that fell off but we were a little shacken.

  2. We were still busy working and the building started shaking the ladies working with me actually ran out the office scared the roof might fall In everything was shaking this is the worst I ever felt

  3. Ek was in my baas se kantoor toe hy se aardbewing en ons die protrette sien beweeg, dit was baie snaaks, ons het gedink dis die masjien waarmee die mense buite besig wat met teer.

  4. Ek was in my baas se kantoor toe hy se aardbewing en ons die protrette sien beweeg, dit was baie snaaks, ons het gedink dis die masjien waarmee die mense buite besig wat met teer.

  5. If we are shaken by something of this nature then we surely have to pity our brothers and sisters n babies in GAZA!this is a big thing for the county as we are the luckiest to not have experienced much natural disasters may the ALMIGHTY always protect us

  6. Ek was in my baas se kantoor toe hy se aardbewing en ons die protrette sien beweeg, dit was baie snaaks, ons het gedink dis die masjien waarmee die mense buite besig wat met teer.

  7. Ek bly in Randgate,en het dit ook gevoel,Was nogals n gevoel en half!! Was besig om vloere te was in die huis my dogter het op die bank gesit en seun buite gespeel toe dit gebeur het my dogter my net snaaks aan gekyk en gese wat maak so mamma!!

  8. Am in Randfontein,botha plot 17,we just expirienced that just hour ago,and I was very shocked to here that because is my first time here it,I just heared about those on books that heppened overseas not here,think you

  9. I felt it here in Krugersdorp Lewisham,.. And the earth was shaking for more than a minute,.. How can some pplz say they felt nothing

  10. Iyoh i was stil at scul waiting for the teacher to check my file as she was busy doing so i felt something under my feet as i was standing then when i looked up celling went up and down that it is when pupils was running outside outside classes

  11. Felt it in Benoni on the east rand…started praying real hard for God to help us! Can’t believe some felt nothing

  12. Kom ons vat almal hande saam en bid vir die mense wat sonder huise sit na die aardige aardbewing. Weereens wys dit ons dat tegnologie en mensdom nie so sterk soos ons hemelse Vader is nie en dat tegnologie nie alles kan verander nie!

  13. I was in library on 2nd floor at TUT….i just felt the building going up and down….everyone started to run….i thot i ws dreaming i even left my school beg….but i got it later…..that feeling nhe! I cant explain

  14. I felt the tremors in Lenasia South. My classroom desks were all shaking and my teaspoon in my mug rattled. It was quite strong. Also felt the ground move beneath me.

  15. My‎whole school desk was shaking and I was kida scared because I didn’t know what was going on until I saw this article

  16. Stilfontein resident – It was a very scary experience and a lot of damage is done to homes, schools and other business buildings by the quake, it definately wasn’t only a mini-quake – atleast everyone I know is okay, hope everyone else is okay too!!

  17. Nothing like being at PT and sitting on on the top of a staduim stand and the earth shakes and you see some grades go crazy wow what an experience

  18. Like Matimba I was also @ the library TUT Soshanguve campus. The bookshelves were shaking. But I continued with what I was doing because it wasn’t the first time I experienced it..it happened on the 02 of December 2012…guess South Africa is in Trouble…

  19. I stay in Durban and heard friends from other provinces coment about the earthquake and I was like, do they stay in South Africa because most of us in Durban felt nothing at all.

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