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Madiba Day: Gauteng Premier swaps suit for overalls in Bekkersdal

"Together we can do more."

Gauteng Premier David Makhura took to the streets of Bekkersdal today and responded to the call by South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma who urged all South Africans to clean up their communities in honour of the late father of the nation Nelson Mandela.

Makhura who had swapped his suits for overalls was seen getting his hands dirty and sweeping the streets as well as picking up rubbish in an open veld near the Bekkersdal taxi rank and other parts of the township.

This was in conjunction with Westonaria Local Municipality executive mayor Nonkoliso Tundzi and West Rand District Municipality executive mayor Mpho Nawa.

According to Makhura, he is glad to have been joined by residents of the area in his campaign and says that they cleaned up the township with great ease and successfully so.

“I’m glad that residents of this place showed up in their numbers and joined hands with us in cleaning up the area.

“This shows that together we can do more and marks the beginning of Township renewal among other things that are yet to take place in this community.

“But for now, we are saying enough is enough with dirty townships and we are doing away with them,” says Makhura

Shortly after this, Makhura and other delegates went on to plant trees and tasked residents of the area with the responsibility to nurture these trees and ensure that the township is kept clean at all times.

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