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Fire at guesthouse: Owner speaks

Estimated damage close to R5 million, says Wild West Guest House owner.

It has come to light that five families were affected and the damage is estimated to be around R5 million after the fire at the Wild West Guest House in Greenhills Extension 3 on the weekend of 5 July.

According to Deon Barnard, owner of the guesthouse, “The families affected by the fire immediately received help from friends, family and residents of Randfontein.”

Barnard confirms that the damage is close to R5 million.

“This includes the damage to every family’s personal belongings as well as to the property itself,” Barnard says.

The herald also received comment regarding the incident from Wiekus Myburgh, Manager of the West Rand District Municipality’s Emergency Services.

Although residents of the area feel that the way fire department staff did their job at the scene was not applaudable, Myburgh explains that on the contrary the Randfontein Fire Department did everything in their power to extinguish the fire.

“Randfontein Emergency Services arrived at the scene with 2 000 litres of water and immediately attempted to stop the blaze,” Myburgh says.

He explains that the whole of the northern part of the building already was ablaze and so was a section of the southern part. Because of the thatch roof it was virtually impossible to contain the fire.

“The closest hydrant was buried underground and there was no time for the firefighters to try and reach it as the wind was strong and the fire was spreading to other areas on the premises. Therefore, they used the pillar- or post-type hydrant on Sidney Carter Street to refill the fire tender,” Myburgh explains.

While the Randfontein Fire Department was busy filling the fire tender, Mogale City Response Station staff arrived on scene and started to help.

Myburgh adds that even a floatable pump was used in the swimming pool to provide water to the firefighters while the fire tender was being filled at the hydrant.

“When the Westonaria Response Station staff arrived on scene, there were enough personnel to open the closest hydrant to ensure direct supply to the fire tenders,” Myburgh adds.

However, by that time most of the units on the property had been consumed by the blaze.

Fire at guest house shakes Randfontein

Several families were affected by a fire that broke out at the Wild West Guest House in the area this past weekend. Their homes went up in flames when a blaze occurred on Saturday afternoon around 2.30pm.

According to residents of the guest house the fire started when sparks from a grinder, which a neighbour allegedly was using, set alight the grass on an empty lot behind his home.

Due to strong winds, the fire quickly spread to the unit at the far end of the guest house and within minutes it was consumed by the blaze.

Residents of the guest house explain that all the units that burnt down had thatch roofing. Bystanders say the fire spread rapidly.

By the time the Randfontein Fire Department arrived at the scene the first unit had been burnt down completely. Firefighters immediately turned their hoses on the fire but soon ran out of water.

Bystanders explain that the fire truck left the scene several times to get water – this while there was a fire hydrant not more than 100 metres from the scene.

Soon Krugersdorp Fire Department as well as Westonaria Fire Department trucks arrived at the scene and assisted the Randfontein Fire Department. By this time all the thatch-roof units on the premises were consumed by the blaze.

Despite firefighters from all three fire departments working tirelessly to try and extinguish the fire, it was to no avail. Fortunately no one was injured in the fire. All animals and residents were evacuated before the fire got to intense.

Residents, however, feel that if the Randfontein Fire Department had used the fire hydrant close by instead of leaving the scene to fetch more water, they could have contained the fire before it could spread to the second building on the premises.

Several bystanders also explained that the Krugersdorp and Westonaria Fire Departments used the fire hydrant close by, which raised the question as to why the Randfontein Fire Department did not do the same in the first place.

The Randfontein Herald is awaiting comment from the Randfontein Fire Department and will publish it in due course.

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  1. Thanks for updates on news.And yes why must everybody wait so long when people call for an emergency. Even the police take time before arriving after you call for help. They all get payed for sitting and asking who they can send out on call. Why loos property or lifes because people don’t want to do there jobs they was hired for!!!!!

  2. Mamma en pappa hoe vervang mens ooit weer wat jul vir 20 jaar opgebou het? Dit was ons tuiste vir 20 jaar ons saam daar gelag en gehuil daardie huis het soveel herineringe opgebou wat altyd in ons harte sal bly. Dis baie hartseer soveel trane het gerol oor daai pragtige huis(Ons Huis) mamma het altyd gese dis nie die aardse besittings wat tel nie dis die lewens wat gespaar is. Ek wil net weereens dankie se vir ons Pappa Vader wat weereens sy hand oor sy kinders gehou het en ek glo en vertrou volkome my Pappa in die hemel gaan vir my ouers en gesin weer optel en vir hul nuwe tuiste gee beter as die vorige een en hul hartseer in geluk draai.Want my KONING Lewe. Wil net baie dankie se vir wonderlike vriende en familie wat by by gedra het en bystaan om te help! Daar is alreeds vordering van herstel aan die gang!baie dankie pappa en mamma vir al die jare se herineringe in ons huisie gaan hom baie mis en is so trots op julle!

  3. Thanks to everyone that came to help the people of Wild West Guesthouse. We are happy to see that there are still people who cares. We are sad with the residents and owners who lost everything. We are very great full that no one lost a life or got injured during the fire. God is going to provide and give the owners and families who lost everything even more and better than they ever had and that no one,I repeat that NO ONE will take it away from them ever again. Because our God is mighty to save,love and heal the broken hearted.

  4. Thank you Deon(Jnr) for helping your mom and dad fighting against the fire and putting your lives at risk to make sure that the animals and residents are save. True heroes.

  5. 5 people’s houses burned down the firefighters stood there watching the houses burn down fire and rescue?? They rescued nothing thanks deon and Alet for the time we could have lived there we enjoyed it and couldn’t asked for a better place to live

  6. This is pathetic!
    It was mentioned in the past that the amount of serviceable responce vehicles is alarmingly low but still nothing has changed. Now a people need a mirracle to help them to start all over again.
    But there has been numerois complaints of poor sevice!

    Shame on you “Randfontein Municipalty”

  7. While we watched all our possessions and home burn to the ground we also had to watch the fire department take group photos in front of the property, all smiles and laughter. Totally insensitive and unprofessional. My heart goes out to Deon, Alet and the families who lost so much..

  8. Shame on you ” Randfontein Municipality”. Today it is no worries for you and other people should try and start a new life and try to look for a miracle. But when its time to collect money each month then no excuses are accepted and you then take action.So poor service delivery. SIES! How long is this going to go on. People are not save anymore. On Saturday someone could have burndt to death or even worse. It shows how much someones life is worth in Randfontein.

  9. Wiekus you and your personal are a bunch of incompetend lying people and would say anything to hide your worthlessness, watch out for the power of the people. The muncipality cant treat us the way they want. WIEKUS thanks for nothing!!!

  10. Ek het die brandweer 3 mal gebel en elke keer het die dame die foon in my oor neer gegooi. Ek is n inwoner by deon hulle, ons almal het gehelp. Die brandweer was 45 min gevat om uit te kom GEEN pomp was in swembad kom kyk hys nou nog vol die water toevoer onder in straat was oop was glad nie onder grond het fotos om te bewys. Hou op lieg en se jul het alles in jul vermoe gedoen want jul het nie!

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