
Union and municipality lock horns

Workers are calling for better working conditions and are demanding that the municipal manager steps down.

The South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) in Randfontein staged a sit-in protest at the Randfontein Local Municipality on Wednesday.

According to union spokesperson Rogers Mkotolana, this was to air their grievances with regard to unresolved worker’s issues and incompetent management.

They also handed in a memorandum of demands.

The demands include better working conditions, better incentives, and a leave encashment policy to be implemented with immediate effect.

The union has also demanded that Randfontein Municipal Manager Mpho Mogale, step down.

They have given the municipality 24 hours to respond to the memorandum.

“The municipality needs to do away with their hide and seek games with regards to matters of the workers,” says Mkotolana.

“We have been trying to engage with them for some time and our proposals have been ignored. ”

The union demands that long service awards of R10 000 be paid to workers who have been in the employ of the Randfontein Local Municipality for 10 years, R15 000 for those with 15 years service and R20 000 for those with 20 years service.

The Herald has since spoken to mayoral spokesperson Lucky Chiya who says that Randfonein Executive Mayor Sylvia Thebenare is currently reviewing the memorandum.

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