
Elderly woman attacked in Greenhills

The men gained access to the house by breaking a window.

An 82-year-old pensioner became the latest victim of house robbery in Randfontein after three men broke into her house and took most of her valuable items.

The incident occurred at her home in Greenhills on Tier Street at approximately 11.36am on 12 March.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, the woman had just finished doing some gardening in her yard when the incident occurred.

“The woman went inside her house and to the bathroom when she heard glass breaking in one of the rooms,” says Ernst.

“The woman went to investigate the noises and that is when she saw three men entering her house through a broken window.

The men were unarmed.

“From what we understand, one of the suspects grabbed her and removed the jewellery she was wearing while the others took the electronic equipment from her house,” says Ernst.

According to her, the suspects fled from the scene and the woman was left unharmed.

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