Drugs plague Randfontein

Randfontein has a long and painful history when it comes to drugs. For some reason, for addicts, Randfontein has always been the place to score drugs cheaply and safely. Though drugs are easier to get in nearby Krugersdorp, especially in and around Sivewright Street, Randfontein is, according to one addict recently interviewed as part of …

Randfontein has a long and painful history when it comes to drugs.

For some reason, for addicts, Randfontein has always been the place to score drugs cheaply and safely.

Though drugs are easier to get in nearby Krugersdorp, especially in and around Sivewright Street, Randfontein is, according to one addict recently interviewed as part of research for an upcoming story, seen as a safe haven for drug addicts as the chances of getting caught is much less than elsewhere.

The Herald has done many articles in the past concerning the drug trade in Randfontein, especially in Toekomsrus, where drug dealers seem to move about relatively freely and conduct their business openly without much regard for the police.

Even massive drug raids conducted by the provincial drug task team and the Hawks fail to deliver very many positive results.

So how do they get away with it? Why do they not get caught and arrested?

According to research conducted by the Herald, people are too afraid to speak up against the drug dealers.

Some will go so far as to leave an anonymous tip with local authorities, but no-one is willing to testify in court against the dealers.

According to one resident of Toekomsrus, the drug dealers are all-powerful in the area.

“The police cannot do anything to them,” says the resident. “They always know when the police are going to raid.

“The have lookouts posted everywhere and by the time a police car stops in front of the house, all the drugs are long gone.”

Our research suggests that people are more afraid of the drug dealers than they are of the police, as police have to act within a certain set of rules whereas the drug dealers do not.

So what can be done about the problem?

The Herald knows about at least four houses in the tiny area of Toekomsrus that are well-known as drug dens.

Some of these dealers have been doing for many years and are well-known to the police, yet for some reason, they do not get caught, and even when they do get caught, they always seem to be back on the streets within days.

Send us your suggestions on what can be done to stop the scourge of drugs and drug dealers in Toekomsrus by sending an email to randfonteinherald@caxton.co.za.

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