
Man shoots wife and kills himself

It remains unclear as to what transpired before the shootings.

A domestic dispute has resulted in the death of a young couple after a man killed his wife and later turned the gun on himself.

The incident occurred in Mohlakeng on 1 March and according to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, it is unclear what transpired before the incident.

“An eye witness at the scene informed police that the couple had separated owing to marital problems and were living apart.

“On the day of the incident, it is understood that the man went to where his wife was staying at the time and produced a firearm.

“He shot her and she later succumbed to her injuries,” says Ernst.

She adds that shortly after this, the man was seen walking to his mother’s house where he turned the gun on himself.

“Both the husband and wife died instantly due to the bullet wounds they sustained and nothing could be done for them at the scene.

“The circumstances surrounding the incident are being investigated and the investigating officer is obtaining statements from family members,” says Ernst.

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  1. I think the picture on this article is too graphic – bad enough to read the gruesome article, but this picture evokes way too much emotional trauma.

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