
Police find drugs and weapons at Westonaria High

Police in Westonaria made shocking discoveries during a search of the Westonaria High School.

A 15-year-old school boy has been caught and arrested after he was found in possession of dagga at Westonaria High School on 20 February.

This was during a school search initiated by the Westonaria SAPS together with the Department of Education and other relevant stakeholders.

The boy is said to be in Grade 8.

According to Westonaria SAPS spokesperson Constable Thembi Masango, other pupils were also found with knives and other dangerous weapons.

“I cannot stress how important it is that our pupils understand the consequences of their actions and the negative impact this may have on their lives.”

She adds that these are some of the problems that they are faced with as the police and adds that the problem really is bigger than what meets the eye.

“Now that we know that the problem exists and we have proof to this effect, rest assured that we will be tightening the belt when it comes to school searches.

“We as the police together with the Department of Education will embark on more unannounced intensive searches throughout local schools and anyone found on the wrong side of the law will face the music,” says Masango.

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  1. Keep it up at oure schools. Thanks to the police and department of Educations. Keep oure children save.

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