
Greenhills man miraculously survives point-blank gunshot

A gunman shot at him but no bullet came out.

Greenhills resident David Mac Vay is lucky to be alive.

This after a gun, aimed at his head from a distance of approximately one meter, failed to fire.

According to Mac Vay, his dog started barking furiously just before 3am on Saturday 11 January, and he decided to head downstairs to investigate.

Upon his arrival in the lounge, says Mac Vay, he felt that something was out of place and as he walked toward the kitchen, a man jumped out from behind the fridge.

“He had a gun in his hand and it was pointed right at me,” says a still shaken Mac Vay.

“I was sure this was my last moment on this earth and I just stood there, waiting for the shot to go off.

“It was surreal.

“I heard the loud bang as he pulled the trigger and saw smoke puffing from the gun, but I did not feel anything.

“It took me a few seconds to realise that I was not hit.

“I thought that he had missed, but that was impossible given how close he was to me.”

As the realisation that the gun must have misfired sank in, Mac Vay dove into the lounge area and shouted for loudly for his wife, Natasja and 13-year-old-daughter Demi, to remain upstairs.

The robber kept the gun trained on him and ordered him not to move.

According to Mac Vay, he considdered fighting back, but decided that the risk was too big, and decided to keep calm.

“We always hear about suspects shooting people and then proceeding to rape their wives and children and I wasn’t going to allow that to happen to my family.” says Mac Vay, who is also a Marshal Arts expert.

A second suspect emerged from the laundry section of the house and disconnected the flatscreen TV in the lounge.

According to Mac Vay, the suspects walked towards the door leading to the pool area but couldn’t get it open.

They then made their way out the same way they came in, which is through a window in the laundry.

Once the suspect had left, Natasja called one of their neighbours who pressed a panic button and within minutes, police officers and reaction officers from a local security company arrived at the scene.

“I believe that God saved my life,” says a very relieved Mac Vay.

“It’s like he put his hand in front of the gun preventing the bullet from shooting out.

“It was just not my time.”

Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst has expressed relief that no one was injured during the robbery, and says that the police are investigating the case.

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