
Bogus officer hijacks motorist

The man was assaulted for some time and forced out of his vehicle.

A 45-year-old male was hijacked after being pulled over by what he thought was a traffic officer on the Azaadville Road in Randfontein on 4 September.

The man was driving a company vehicle, an Isuzu bakkie with the registration number XGK133GP.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, having being hailed by the bogus officer, the man stopped his vehicle on the side of the road.

It is understood that the bogus officer ordered the man to produce his drivers license for inspection.

The officer then asked the man for a lift to his car which apparently was parked nearby.

When they approached the vehicle, four men emerged from the vehicle and closed in on the man.

“The man was assaulted for some time and forced out of his vehicle.

“He was then dumped into the suspect’s vehicle and they fled with both vehicles,” says Ernst.

She adds that after some time, the man was dropped off on the Zuurbekom Road.

Fortunately no serious injuries were sustained and no shots were fired.

Randfontein Traffic Chief Kenny Mampondo has warned that people should be careful of falling victim to bogus law enforcement officials.

“We are aware of this problem,” says Mampondo.

“It is not only an issue in Randfontein, but nationally, there are reports of so-called blue light gangs.

If you feel unsafe, or if you have any reason to doubt whether you are being pulled over by a legitimate traffic officer, you have the right to signal the traffic officer and drive slowly to the Randfontein Traffic Department, where the intended inspection can then take place in safety.”

Mampondo says that they are doing everything in their power to track down and arrest bogus traffic officers.

“I can assure them that they will be caught.

“Such instances place the department in a bad light and we will not tolerate this.”

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