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One pothole at a time: Oom Piet and team at it again

'I am doing this as a way to help the community and just to restore our town to its former glory'

Randfontein’s good Samaritan Piet Lottering is fixing the roads in Randfontein and its surrounds and is doing this one pothole at a time.

He does this free of charge and funds some of the material from his own pocket and also relies on donations from community members. His efforts have seen a string of potholes being fixed around the Randfontein jurisdiction and this has helped avoid tyre damages on people’s cars and potentially helped avoid accidents.

Driving around town, one can spot the potholes which have been fixed by Lottering who is famously known as ‘Oom Piet’ and the potholes in question have his name right next to them.

Speaking to the Randfontein Herald in an interview, Lottering who is also a business owner, said he does this for the community.

“I am doing this as a way to help the community and just to restore our town to its former glory. I am not affiliated to any political party; I’m just doing this from the goodness of my heart. Be that as it may, my team and I are in need of donations from the community to buy the necessary materials, to help fix the potholes,” said Lottering, who also uses his own money for some of the material needed.

He also brings in his employees from his hardware shop called Mini Hardware who provide their labour in fixing the potholes – thus showing that not all heroes wear capes.

Lottering is thankful to motorists who acknowledge his efforts when driving past and leave their donations during this time. He said that this helps a great deal in the projects.

He is also thankful to Polomino Hire in Randfontein who assists him with a wacker machine every week, to ensure that the tar is laid out properly.

To lend a helping hand and make donations, residents are urged to contact Piet Lottering for his banking details on
083 275 8731.

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