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Operation Okae Molao laying down the law near Mohlakeng.

Cops on the West Rand and Rand West City Traffic Department were out in full force to clamp down on any criminal activities and traffic violations on Thursday.

Police officers from different parts of the West Rand were out in full force and held their famous operation Okae Molao on the R28 near Umphakathi Mall in Mohlakeng on Thursday, January 19.

It was yet another effort to ensure they root out criminal elements and tackle the issue of unroadworthy vehicles as well.

Police officers did a stop and search on numerous vehicles during the famous operation.
Police officers worked hand in hand during the operation and were determined to carry out their mandate.

Also read: Okae Molao weekend operations in district leads to 223 arrests

The operation which continues to yield successful results, was held in partnership with different stakeholders including the Rand West City Traffic Department.

Traffic officer Shongo Mokone was also at the operation and checked vehicles for their roadworthiness.
Vehicles traveling in and out of Randfontein using the R28 were subjected to the operation.

During this time, vehicles were being pulled over for regular stop and searches and inspected.
This was to check for potential defects which would render them unroadworthy and warrant a fine.

Also read: West Rand cops arrest 48 people for assault out of 182 during Okae Molao

Statistics of successes made will be published at a later stage.

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